Frequent Questions & Answers
- What can GRILIOO do?
GRILIOO cooks for you. It cooks light, it’s convenient for your balcony or garden, it does not need charcoal, you don’t waist hours preparing and cleaning. It cooks by itself, in a completely automatic way, you set the timer for the food type and the cooking type you want to obtain.
- Who is GRILIOO for?
GRILIOO is a professional barbecue designed for good barbecued meet, fish and vegetables lovers who want a good meal without effort and dirty.
- How shall I cook with GRILIOO?
You will find all advice of our Chef Francesco De Francesco and tasty recipes in GRILIOO Recipe Book, that you can download free and in a few seconds here: download the Recipe Book >
- What material is GRILIOO made from? Is it safe?
Your safety and that of your family first. That is why GRILIOO is a IMQ and CE certified Italian patent, in compliance with high safety standards. It has the best safety expedients, like for example the valves that prevent gas leakages. The exterior is completely in steel with inspection windows of internal cookings. These windows allow you to avoid opening the lid and then lose heat, something which should never happen while cooking.
Here you can find all the details and the technical specifications >> Technical characteristics GRILIOO
- Why grill with GRILIOO?
GRILIOO is an innovative Italian patent: the only barbecue that cooks for you in a completely automatic way, returning your time since it will take care of everything.
If you like barbecued meat or fish, but you do not have enough time to give to the preparation, GRILIOO is your perfect friend in the kitchen.
- How much meat can it cook at the same time?
GRILIOO cooks up to 5 kg of meat at a time.
- Is it easy to clean once you have finished?
GRILIOO sets to zero the stress of the after-barbecue cleaning. The only thing you have to clean is the drip pan, and you have to put the grill in the dishwasher.
- Where can I buy GRILIOO?
It is possible to buy GRILIOO contacting directly one of our sales contacts by the special form in the contact section. Contact us now >>
- Is GRILIOO a certified product?
Of course. GRILIOO is IMQ certified because it fulfils all the provisions of the European directive.
Find out now GRILIOO. The first barbecue that makes your barbecue incredibly easier